Campus Outreach StaffCast
The Campus Outreach StaffCast is a podcast produced by CO Staff, for CO Staff. This podcast is produced by Campus Outreach SERVE in partnership and collaboration with the greater Campus Outreach movement.
Campus Outreach StaffCast
Episode 18 | John James | Spiritual Hunger and Church Planting in the UK
This week we are joined by John James. John currently serves as the lead pastor of City Church in Birmingham, UK. His church is one of the CO Hub churches which hosts a CO team. John grew up in the church in the UK and heard the Gospel many times, but made a profession of faith while at university and his life completely changed. On this episode, John shares about his walk with the Lord in ministry, the current culture and spiritual climate of the UK, and how the Lord is using CO to reach the local university students with the Gospel of Jesus.
Movement Spotlight: Campus Outreach Johanessburg, South Africa
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The Campus Outreach StaffCast is a production of Campus Outreach SERVE. The vision of Campus Outreach is to glorify God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world. To learn more, visit